На этой странице перечислены различные организации, связанные с семенами наследия и разделяющие подход проекта Diyseeds.
The Longo maï movement, founded in 1973, is a network of eight self-managed agriculture and handicraft cooperatives, spread across five European countries. They produce cereal, forage and vegetable seeds. www.prolongomai.ch
An international solidarity network active, among others, in the defense of open-pollinated seeds and small-scale farming that respects social rights. www.forumcivique.org
Association dedicated to the defense of biodiversity and humus. They sell seeds of over 2000 varieties of vegetables, aromatic plants, cereals, flowers and medicinal plants, all of which can be multiplied and are free of intellectual property rights. www.kokopelli-semences.fr
Austrian association which saves and maintains thousands of endangered vegetable, fruit and cereal varieties with the help of over 11,000 members and supporters. www.arche-noah.at
The BioDiVerso association is a collective of friends who share a passion for Life and its diversity… Biological as well as cultural diversity, and the poetry of our diverse ways of looking at the world. https://www.facebook.com/cultivediversidade
15th Garden, is a bottom-up network of urban gardens and seed savers in bombed, besieged and blockaded Syrian cities. This growing food sovereignty network also includes family gardens, rural farms, and agricultural initiatives in refugee camps in neighbouring states. aseed.net/en/the-15th-garden-seeds-for-syria
A collective of Syrian, Lebanese and French farmers who set up a training center for agroecology in Lebanon. They want to use these techniques in today’s and tomorrow’s Middle East to resist corporate control of agricultural markets in Lebanon and Syria. www.facebook.com/Grainesetcinema